Black Folks Camp Too - Ep 4: Remove The Fear

Black Folks Camp Too - Ep 4: Remove The Fear

Guest User 2 / 05/29/23

Black Folks Camp Too - Ep 4: Remove The Fear

THE GREATEST FEAR… One of our adventurers confronts his greatest fears… HEIGHT! Will. He. Overcome. Find out now in the latest installment of the adventure to Black Balsam Knob! The campfire in our logo represents the portal for amazing conversations. Your race, gender or age does not matter. We ALL have something to say! Help us teach these amazing life lessons, and promote diversity and inclusion by liking our post, sharing our page, subscribing to our Youtube channel and visiting our website,, for more info. Thank you in advance! #adventurebeyond #dosomethingdifferent #campyourcamp #icamptoo #tentlife #rvlife #blackfolkscamptoo